Buildings & Materials

Why Are Buildings & Materials Important?

According to the U.S. Green Building Council, buildings account for roughly 72 percent of America' s electricity use. Through employing environmentally sensitive building techniques, we can reduce our energy use, reduce pollution, and create healthier environments. The environmental quality of our schools impacts the quality of the learning processes within.

Construction of sustainable and high performance buildings is important to the conservation of our resources. Sustainable buildings provide healthier environments and improved air quality for staff and students, which is realized in fewer absences, more productivity, and higher student scores. Students in green schools are exposed to new environmental technologies and hands-on learning opportunities. Cost savings are realized through reduced operational and maintenance costs, lower utility bills and longer life cycles for buildings and materials.

About Green Buildings & Materials

Green building is the construction of sustainable, high performance buildings that reduce demand on our natural resources, such as energy and water. Green building practices and environmental awareness have increased in the past few years - as natural resources are being depleted and relationships between our health and the buildings are better understood. Green buildings improve the well-being of the occupants, protect the environment, and provide owner cost savings.

Schools In This Category »

Green Design Criteria & Design and Material Standards

Green Products (e.g., earth-friendly cleaning supplies, recycled materials, etc.)

LEED Certified Buildings

Sustainable Materials (e.g., low odor paints, recycled carpets, etc.)

Technical Specifications

The Next Generation Classroom

What Broward Schools Are Doing

In response to its Environmental Policy and Strategic Plan, the District has " greened" all Design Criteria and Design & Material Standards (technical specifications). These standards are tied to LEED Credits and will allow the District to choose LEED certification for buildings as desired. The official date of posting for these updated documents will be December 1, 2009. Language in the selection criteria within our RFQs/RFPs, our consultant and construction contracts, and Division " 0" and Division " 1" documents are also being revised to support the overall effort of our environmental goals.

In the future, Stranahan HS Replacement School will be the District' s first LEED certified school. The research of " green" products, sustainable materials, and energy efficient systems for use in the District is ongoing. Several District Environmental Pilot Projects are listed below:

  • Solar roof panels
  • Solar powered flashers at various schools
  • Waterless urinals and water conserving fixtures
  • Irrigation water conservation projects at 25 schools
  • Hybrid vehicles
  • Porous concrete exterior courtyard
  • High efficiency electrical transformers
  • Energy efficient lighting installations
  • Habitat restorations in several schools
  • Polished concrete flooring
  • Water re-use projects

What You Can Do

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The Three " R' s" are a great reminder.
  • Use renewable materials. Rapidly renewable materials are plants that are harvested within a ten-year cycle, such a bamboo, wheatboard, strawboard and cork.
  • Look for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label. Purchase wood to support responsible forest management practices.
  • Get involved! Look up your local chapter of the USGBC or the Florida Green Building Coalition to learn more about green building.
  • Purchase green products. Look for the Energy Star label and other and energy efficient equipment.
  • Get active! Urge your local officials to build green.
  • When you build green, you help yourself and the environment!


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Florida Green Building Coalition

USGBC Build Green Schools