Forty-Five District Schools Report Total Savings of Over $399,400 Through Go Green Program for Output Reduction

Created: 8/12/2010 3:10:22 PM Updated: 12:00:00 AM

Twenty percent of the American population spends their days in school buildings. Saving the Earth won't happen in a laboratory. It will happen in a school where educators are teaching and modeling a greener way of life to students, staff and the communities.

The Education Technology Services Department's GoGreen Program for Output Reduction, first piloted in 2008, encourages sites to include all employees, students, parents and the community in their school's green initiatives to become leaders in environmental stewardship. ETS developed the program to help the District reduce the consumption of paper and supplies for printers, copiers and fax machines. In addition to being good for the environment, the program has resulted in operating budget savings for each site. The funds saved can be redirected to support other student learning projects.

During the 2009/10 school year, 45 of the District's schools submitted Output Reduction Checklists and Budget Data Sheets in hopes of winning an eco-friendly MFP printer, the prize offered in an ETS promotional campaign. Those surveys were an indication of the success of the program. The 45 schools reported a total savings of over $399,400.

Schools making the “Top Ten Savers” list for the school year include:

1.   Indian Ridge Middle School - $43,952.186

2.   Coconut Creek High School - $36,123.376

3.   Miramar High School - $27,604.006

4.   Tradewinds Elementary School - $26,314.006

5.   Stoneman Douglas High School - $24,000.006

6.   Cooper City High School - $23,405.306

7.   McArthur High School - $23,282.006

8.   Challenger Elementary School - $16,316.006

9.   Crystal Lake Middle School - $14,699.146

10.  Eagle Ridge Elementary School - $11,553.96

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